ÉCRIRE EN FRANÇAIS. Histoires de langues, voyages de mots
From June 21 to October 10, at 101 boulevard Raspail, discover the stories of 100 authors from around the world, all of whom have chosen the French language as their means of expression and transmission.
Through quotations from their works and previously unpublished written and video testimonials, you'll be plunged into the heart of a multitude of journeys and experiences highlighted by Bernard Magnier and Sabyl Ghoussoub and illustrated by Raphaelle Macaron 🎨
"They were born in Buenos-Aires, Tokyo or Kabul, in Dakar, Beirut or Saigon. In China, Syria, Bulgaria or Iran... In Moroni, Trois Boutiques or Stalowa Wola... Places, countries and lands with no immediate ties to the French language. Helped by fate, chance, personal or collective history, inspired by their dramas, their loves, their encounters, these authors and their words have traveled. They all write in French. A French language inherited, imposed or chosen, with which they have a pragmatic, amorous, conflictual, passionate and creative relationship. A "mother tongue", "grandmother tongue", "natural", "vital"... Their language! But why? How do they take hold of this language? How did they receive it? How did they take it? How did they learn it? How did they shake it up, enrich it, blend it? These are the itineraries, these traces, that are brought together here."
Bernard Magnier - exhibition curator
Opening times and access
Free admission
Alliance française de Paris - 101 Boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris
Du lundi au vendredi - 11h - 17h30
L'exposition est fermée le 15 août.
Ouvertures exceptionnelles avec visites guidées et gratuites
Jeudi 11 Juillet 19h - 20h
Jeudi 25 juillet 19h - 20h
Samedi 22 juin : 11h - 17h : Visite à 14h par le commissaire d'exposition
Samedi 20 juillet : 11h - 17h
Last entry 30 minutes before closing time.
The origins of this exhibition
A cycle of literary encounters entitled "En français dans le texte" offered since 2017 by the Alliance française de Paris.
In 7 years, this cycle has welcomed 45 guests from 26 countries at 34 meetings. It has attracted a total of over 20,000 spectators from 95 countries, in person, and online.
4 exhibition themes
Visits and tours
Guided tours
- Three guided tours will be led by the exhibition curator. Don't miss these exceptional opportunities during the special Saturday openings (July 20 and August 17).
Mediation visits
- Tailor-made tours are available for associations and partners, specifically designed for audiences learning French. To book, contact us at culture@alliancefr.org .
Guided discovery tours
At the entrance, you'll find 2 fun exhibition trail booklets that can be used independently to discover the exhibition from a different angle.
Exhibition curated by :
Concept and choice of texts: Bernard Magnier, in collaboration with Sabyl Ghoussoub
Art direction and illustrations: Raphaëlle Macaron
Graphics: Sunra Thompson
Discover the authors and writers who contributed to this exhibition
Zeina Abirached
Marguerite Abouet
Mohammed Aïssaoui
Jean-Marie Adiaffi
Laura Alcoba
Vassilis Alexakis
Feurat Alani
Salah Al Hamdani
Eva Almassy
Pauline Alphen
Kebir Ammi
Samuel Beckett
Yahia Belaskri
Tahar Ben Jellou
Mbareck Ould Beyrouk
Hemley Boum
Doan Bui
Estelle-Sarah Bulle
Ying Chen
François Cheng
Ook Chung
Velibor Čolić
Raphaël Confiant
Florent Couao-Zotti
Louis-Philippe Dalembert
Ananda Devi
Ousmane Diarra
Boubacar Boris Diop
Negar Djavadi
Abdelkader Djemaï
Elisa Shua Dusapin
Sedef Ecer
Soeuf Elbadawi
Yara El-Ghadban
Axel Gauvin
Sabyl Ghoussoub
Aliona Gloukhova
Simonetta Greggio
Elitza Gueorguieva
Jadd Hilal
L. Horňáková-Civade
Loo Hui Phang
Fawaz Hussain
Nancy Huston
Katrina Kalda
Kateb Yacine
Karim Kattan
Vénus Khoury Ghata
Ahmadou Kourouma
Julia Kristeva
Agota Kristof
Milan Kundera
Abdellatif Laâbi
Sony Labou Tansi
Dany Laferrière
J.M.G. Le Clézio
Jonathan Littell
Amin Maalouf
Alain Mabanckou
Charif Majdalani
Maryam Madjidi
Andrei Makine
Yamen Manai
Rita Mestokosho
Shmuel T. Meyer
Léonora Miano
Akira Mizubayashi
Tierno Monénembo
Wajdi Mouawad
Fiston Mwanza Mujila
Bessa Myftiu
Naïri Nahapétian
Blaise Ndala
M-A Oho-Bambe
Polina Panassenko
Pia Petersen
Titaua Peu
Gisèle Pineau
Denis Pourawa
Emmelie Prophète
Jean-luc Raharimanana
Johary Ravaloson
Atiq Rahimi
Shan Sa
Rodney Saint-Éloi
Boualem Sansal
Mohamed Mbougar Sarr
Riad Sattouf
Ryoko Sekiguchi
Jorge Semprun
Shumona Sinha
Leïla Slimani
Omar Y. Souleimane
Marzena Sowa
Mani Soleymanlou
Brina Svit
Véronique Tadjo
Irina Teodorescu
Sami Tchak
Kim Thúy
Mateï Visniec
Abdourahman Waberi
Nina Yargeko
Chabname Zariâb
Fawzia Zouari
Places and access
Alliance Française de Paris - located at the 101 Boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris
Metro 4 : stop - Saint Placide
Metro 12 : stop - Notre-Dame-des-Champs
Bus : lines 39, 68, 89, 94, 95, 96
Vélib : close station 6006 (Notre-Dame-des-Champs - Stanislas)
Sponsors and partners
Because this Festival couldn't exist without their help.
Major sponsors
avec le soutien de la délégation générale à la langue française et aux langues de France du ministère de la Culture
The Institution

The Alliance française de Paris is a non-profit organization founded in 1883 to promote the French language and culture as a means of intercultural mediation and as an alternative to armed conflict. The institution is at the heart of a worldwide network of nearly 830 local Alliances françaises in 133 countries.
The historic headquarters of this international movement, our association has been welcoming professionals, exiles, refugees, students, people passing through Paris or living here permanently for over 140 years, whatever their background, objectives or desires, whether they come for pleasure or necessity. Their link: the French language.
In addition to cultural mediation and teaching French on boulevard Raspail or online, our role is to support the training of French teachers at the Alliances françaises in the international network. Our expertise in this field is recognized and fueled by essential and constant pedagogical innovation.
- May I come with an animal ?
The Alliance Française de Paris welcomes pets, but they are not accepted, except for guide dogs.
- I have a disability. Can I attend events?
Access is provided for people with reduced mobility.
- Can I use my camera?
Only professional cameras are allowed (except for accredited persons who have applied in advance).
- What items are prohibited?
Here is the list of prohibited items in application of the Vigipirate plan:
large bags,
travel backpacks, suitcases,
firearms, bladed weapons (even imitation),
any sharp object: knives, scissors, etc,
all glass and plastic bottles and opaque containers such as thermoses and cans,
aerosols and pressurized bottles,
toxic or chemical products,
flammables liquids
fireworks and by-products (firecrackers, fireworks, flares, etc.).
Only clear 0.5-liter water bottles are allowed, as well as water bottles whose contents can be checked.
- Can't find the answer you're looking for?
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